
5 Courses
  • 2 Modules

    AC – AC Converters

    This course contains two modules and covers Single and Three-Phase AC-AC Converters. In addition to video lectures, the module also contains Homework assignments and Quizzes. Once you successfully finish the course, you will receive your Certificate of Completion!

  • 3 Modules

    AC – DC Converters

    This course covers one of the most important converter groups – rectifiers. Detailed analyses of single- and three-phase rectifiers, diode and thyristor-based, are given, together with the most common applications. The possibilities of the converter’s output filtering stages are discussed. Power quality issues are also examined.

  • 2 Modules

    DC – AC Converters

    Basic operating principles of the inverters, another converter group of major importance, are explained in this course. Single- and three-phase transistor inverters are addressed. Attention is given to the modulating techniques used for these converters and their influence on the power quality. 

  • 11 Modules

    DC – DC Converters

    The analysis of the converters topologies in this Specialization starts with converters with the smallest number of switching components – choppers and DC power supplies. Different techniques for DC voltage conversions are addressed. The operation principles of single-, two- and four-quadrant choppers are analyzed, as well as non-isolated and isolated DC supplies.

  • 8 Modules

    Semiconductor Components

    This course is designed to help you get basic knowledge regarding semiconductor components. Each module is dedicated to particular semiconductor component. By the end of the course you will be able to understand their structure, how they operate and their main applications.